
Sunday, December 16, 2012

Tcl and OTcl Tutorial for NS2 - Program to find Factorial

 Fractorial Computation: tcl script to obtain the value of 10! = 10 * 9 * ... * 1.

  1. get factorial.tcl and run the script;
  2. write a function to compute 2^x, test your answer.
Execute the script as:

$ tclsh lab1a.tcl
$ ns lab1a.tcl


#filename : factorial.tcl
# define function to compute Factorial X!
proc Factorial {x} {
    # define variable
    set result 1
    # for loop
    for {set i 1} {$i <= $x} {incr i} {
set result [expr $result * $i]
    # return computation result
    return $result


# define function to compute 2^x
proc 2pow {x} {
    # define variable
    set result 1
    # for loop
    for {set i 1} {$i <= $x} {incr i} {
# fill in here
    # return computation result
    return $result
# make function call
set result [Factorial 10]

# output result
puts "$result"

# make function call
set result [2pow 10]

# output result
puts "$result"

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