
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

How to Install Nimbuzz on Linux Mint & Ubuntu & Chrome

Try following steps to install NimbuZz on Ubuntu Or Linux Mint
  before doing this steps get Google Chromium as browser 

1.Open this LINK  in  chromium browser

2   Click ADD TO CHROME 
3. A pop up window will rise to confirm , just click ADD
4. You can select the Apps from the menu in the bottom of the chrome



Monday, July 30, 2012

NOKIA ASHA 202 : The Entry Level phone For you

Continuing its commitment to 'connect the next billion people to the mobile world', Nokia unveiled 
Nokia Asha 202 at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona recently. The new ultra low end additions to Nokia’s Series 40-based Asha series and they aim to offer a lot of bang for very little buck.the Asha 202 is a dual-SIM touch and type  handset.
Nokia’s Asha 202’s combination of a traditional keypad with a 2.4-inch touchscreen is ideal for those who seek easy ways to connect to the world of Internet and social networks to catch updates and multi-tasks, all on the go. The Nokia Asha 202 features dual SIM with Easy Swap technology and a dedicated SIM manager to personalize the phone and save up to five SIM cards with unique information. The device comes with a 2 megapixel camera, music player, FM radio, Nokia Browser, and Bluetooth connectivity, and has expandable memory of up to 32GB.The Asha 202 look as if they had a metal rim up front, but that’s only the looks - in reality they are all plastic.

The Nokia Asha 202 comes in four colours to match your mood and personality – black and gold, silver white, dark grey and dark red and is priced at INR4,149 in India. And available in stores below that taged price

Pros:Excellent build; Great Keypad; Hot-swappable external SIM slot; Decent sound quality; Thoughtful UI; Well priced.
Cons:Can't change display brightness

Ubuntu Tablet : Canonical Plans

Canonical's CEO Chris Kenyon recently had a discussion surrounding tablets and slate PCs, and this is one of the lines: "The devices world is a really exciting space right now and we're really bullish on it; hats off to the iPad team for doing what they did." Were Ubuntu Linux ported to any device you could name, it wouldn't be much of a surprise, but developer Canonical intends to release a tablet-specific branch of the OS this timeBased on Ubuntu 10.10 "Maverick Meerkat," the tablet version will actually be rolled into Ubuntu Light later on, but right now the company's busy romancing hardware providers -- Freescale, Marvell, and Texas Instruments have all signed deals, and both Intel and Pixel Qi will reportedly bring power-saving tech to the table .

May be with 
ARM-based craptablet with a resistive screen. or other high end  processors 
Galaxy Tab is the first Android touch pad of the Korean manufacturer 
 Resolution of 1024 × 600, a processor running at 1 GHz and 512 MB RAM offers valuable resources to use another operating system,The hackers have managed to cover the touch pad Galaxy Tab version of VNC to use the open source operating system Ubuntu Linux based.

The tablet-specific version will be built about v10.10, which is currently code-named Maverick Meerkat in keeping with tradition. There are also plans to merge the tablet and netbook OS into a single
Ubuntu Light, which certainly makes a lot of sense given the move to touch even in the netbook space. It'll be interesting to see how this shakes out; Microsoft seems content with using a full version of Windows 7 even on tablets, while some consumers may prefer a more stripped-down experience. Could this be an opportunity for Linux to leapfrog Windows? Maybe!

How to Install background image for grub in linux Mint & Ubuntu

Try Following  Steps

1. open  Terminal
2. type  sudo apt-get install grub2-splashimages
3 . after installing the above check  folder  /usr/share/images/grub/
4. you can add images to this folder by pasting images to this folder
                        for changing the permissions of the folder 

5. after this type sudo gedit /etc/grub.d/05_debian_theme in terminal
6. find the line set_background_image "/usr/share/images/desktop-base/desktop-grub.png" 
 you can use Cntrl + F to find the line 
7. change the desktop-grub.png to the filename you like and save
8.  then type 
update-grub in the terminal

9. restart the system ,now you can see your custamised grub background 

for changing again background image  edit the file  /boot/grub/grub.cfg 

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Ten facts about the London Olympics Making Technology fit

1. Over 4 billion of us are expected to tune in to watch our favourite athletes perform on TV – over two thirds of the world's population
2. The Technology Operations Centre unveiled this week is the technology ‘Mission Control’ for London 2012 – it oversees the results, IT security, power and telecommunications for all 94 Olympic venues.
3. The Technology Operations Centre will be staffed by 450 people working 24/7 under one roof to keep all 94 Olympic competition and non-competition venues running smoothly.

4. 200,000 hours - or 23.5 years’ - worth of testing will be carried out on the IT systems before the games start, to simulate and prepare for every possible scenario. To put that in perspective, that’s the equivalent of 8,333 days’ work.
5. For the first time ever, commentators will have touch-screen Commentator Information System technology for every single Olympic Games sports - delivering real-time results high speed. Ten more sports have been added to the system compared to Beijing 2008. London 2012 will also be the first Summer Paralympic Games to use this Commentator Information System, with five sports added to the system

6. If the British summer is playing up, we could take a tip from the Chinese – who shot weather rockets into the sky to stop rain clouds soaking the audience and spoiling the party at the Opening Ceremony!
7. London 2012 will be a greener, more sustainable Olympic Games. A special plant will supply electricity, heat and chilled water to the London 2012 Olympic Park using technology which produces 33 % lower CO2 emissions than from the electricity grid.
8. The Technology Operations Centre at London 2012 will also be able to process 30 % more results data than Beijing 2008 to meet the rapidly increasing demands of fans for information anytime and everywhere.
9. You can leave the cash at home! London 2012 offers people the chance to attend without cash but still pay, by using ‘contactless’ cards which will be swiped over a reader like an Oyster card to make payments. More than 5,000 retailers so far have signed up
10. With 8.5 billion PCs, smart phones and tablets predicted to be connected to the internet by 2012, the London games are set to be the biggest ever online.

Add twitter updates & widgets to your Blog Or websites

Simple Method to Add your twitter updates to your own website or facebook application

1 . go to
2. select your widget from the leftside menu
      my website
3 . select the type of widget

 Profile Widget

  Display your most recent Twitter updates on any webpage.
Search WidgetDisplays search results in real time! Ideal for live events, broadcastings, conferences, TV Shows, or even just keeping up with the news.
Faves WidgetShow off your favorite tweets! Also in real time, this widget will pull in the tweets you've starred as favorites. It's great for moderation.
List WidgetPut your favorite tweeps into a list! Then show 'em off in a widget. Also great for moderation. 

4 . Customize Your Profile Widget

5 . click finish & grab code

6 . paste the script on your website 

Change the permission of files and folders in Linux Mint & Ubuntu

1. open Terminal
2. type   gksudo nautilus in terminal

3. file browser will open
4. right click and select properties

5.  select permissions from the pop up windows menu

6. change the permissions and click apply permissions to the enclosed files  and close

its working for ubuntu 8.04 to 12.04 and Linux mint

Friday, July 27, 2012

Reset User Password on Linux Mint & Ubuntu

if u forget the user password just  do the following steps

1. boot your computer while you press and hold “Shift” key
2. Select Ubuntu or Linux Mint blablabla  (recovery mode)

3. In the recovery menu select “root”
4. when the promt appears type:


mount -rw -o remount /

passwd “username”


where “username” is the username of the user that you don’t know the password
Now type a new password twice and you are done!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Installing PHP5 and Apache in Ubuntu & Linux MInt

If you are doing any kind of PHP development, you’ll almost always be using Apache along with it.

To install the default LAMP stack

First install tasksel... 

sudo apt-get install tasksel

.. and then the LAMP stack:

sudo tasksel install lamp-server

Installing PHP 5

  • To install PHP5 you can enter the following command in the terminal prompt:

    sudo apt-get install php5 libapache2-mod-php5

    You can run PHP5 scripts from command line. To run PHP5 scripts from command line you should install php5-cli package. To install php5-cli you can enter the following command in the terminal prompt:

    sudo apt-get install php5-cli

    You can also execute PHP5 scripts without installing PHP5 Apache module. To accomplish this, you should install php5-cgi package. You can run the following command in a terminal prompt to install php5-cgi package:
    sudo apt-get install php5-cgi

    To use MySQL with PHP5 you should install php5-mysql package. To install php5-mysql you can enter the following command in the terminal prompt:
    sudo apt-get install php5-mysql

    Similarly, to use PostgreSQL with PHP5 you should install php5-pgsql package. To install php5-pgsql you can enter the following command in the terminal prompt:
    sudo apt-get install php5-pgsql

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Install Arduino on Linux Mint 13

Downloaded version 0022 from:
   // it downloaded to my /home/mark/Downloads directory

// open terminal from Linux mint menu

// go to downloads directory
cd ~/Downloads

// untar the downloaded file
tar -vxzf arduino-0022.tgz

// change directory to replace librxtxSerial library    
cd arduino-0022/lib

// backup original lib

//find librxtxSerial library that works for this system
find / -ls 2>&1 | grep -i librxtxSerial

if librxtSerial library is not found somewhere in a /usr/lib subdirectory
   //  this will require root  password
  sudo apt-get install arduino
  // rerun the find command


// found it in /usr/lib/jni
// copy it to arduino-0022/lib directory
cp /usr/lib/jni/ .

// go up one directory
cd ..                            

// exec arduino software

tip1: if for some reason openJDK doesn't work for you, try the oracle JRE:
  • it is HIGHLY recommended to use arduino IDE 1.0.1, because it use an internal pre-build gcc compiler. This exclude all tool-chain problem, or at least guarantee we all have the same problem.
tip2: if you stll want to use older IDE Install avr-gcc (aka "gcc-avr"), avr-gcc-c++, avr-lib only if you plan to use the arduino-IDE PRIOR 1.0.1
tip3:older arduino board (like arduino 2009, mini, etc..) works perfectly on the IDE 1.0.1
  • Plug In your arduino.
  • if prior to arduino UNO you should find
where X is a number that may vary.
if arduino UNO you should find
where X is a number that may vary

Saturday, July 7, 2012

InSecure ANDROID Smartphones

SharkLaser writes

"Fake antivirus scams have plagued Windows and Mac OS X during the last couple of years. Now it seems like such scams have spread to Android. Fake antivirus scams on Android work the same as they do on PC's — a user with an Android phone downloads an application or visits a website that says that the user's device is infected with malware. It will then show a fake scan of the system and return hard-coded 'positives' and gives the option the option to buy antivirus software that will 'remove' the malware on the affected system. Android, which is based on Linux, has been plagued with malware earlier too. According to McAfee, almost all new mobile malware now targets Android. Android app stores, including the official one from Google, has also been hosting hundreds of trojan applications that send premium rate SMSes on behalf of unsuspecting users.

Early on in development, the core Android development team recognized that a robust security model was required to enable a vigorous ecosystem of applications and devices built on and around the Android platform and supported by cloud services. As a result, through its entire development lifecycle, Android has been subjected to a professional security program. The Android team has had the opportunity to observe how other mobile, desktop, and server platforms prevented and reacted to security issues and built a security program to address weak points observed in other offerings.
The key components of the Android Security Program include:
  • Design Review: The Android security process begins early in the development lifecycle with the creation of a rich and configurable security model and design. Each major feature of the platform is reviewed by engineering and security resources, with appropriate security controls integrated into the architecture of the system.
  • Penetration Testing and Code Review: During the development of the platform, Android-created and open-source components are subject to vigorous security reviews. These reviews are performed by the Android Security Team, Google’s Information Security Engineering team, and independent security consultants. The goal of these reviews is to identify weaknesses and possible vulnerabilities well before the platform is open-sourced, and to simulate the types of analysis that will be performed by external security experts upon release.
  • Open Source and Community Review: The Android Open Source Project enables broad security review by any interested party. Android also uses open source technologies that have undergone significant external security review, such as the Linux kernel. Google Play provides a forum for users and companies to provide information about specific applications directly to users.
  • Incident Response: Even with all of these precautions, security issues may occur after shipping, which is why the Android project has created a comprehensive security response process. A full-time Android security team constantly monitors Android-specific and the general security community for discussion of potential vulnerabilities. Upon the discovery of legitimate issues, the Android team has a response process that enables the rapid mitigation of vulnerabilities to ensure that potential risk to all Android users is minimized. These cloud-supported responses can include updating the Android platform (over-the-air updates), removing applications from Google Play, and removing applications from devices in the field.

    How Users Understand Third-Party Applications

    Android strives to make it clear to users when they are interacting with third-party applications and inform the user of the capabilities those applications have. Prior to installation of any application, the user is shown a clear message about the different permissions the application is requesting. After install, the user is not prompted again to confirm any permissions.
    There are many reasons to show permissions immediately prior to installation time. This is when user is actively reviewing information about the application, developer, and functionality to determine whether it matches their needs and expectations. It is also important that they have not yet established a mental or financial commitment to the app, and can easily compare the application to other alternative applications.
    Some other platforms use a different approach to user notification, requesting permission at the start of each session or while applications are in use. The vision of Android is to have users switching seamlessly between applications at will. Providing confirmations each time would slow down the user and prevent Android from delivering a great user experience. Having the user review permissions at install time gives the user the option to not install the application if they feel uncomfortable.
    Also, many user interface studies have shown that over-prompting the user causes the user to start saying "OK" to any dialog that is shown. One of Android's security goals is to effectively convey important security information to the user, which cannot be done using dialogs that the user will be trained to ignore. By presenting the important information once, and only when it is important, the user is more likely to think about what they are agreeing to.

    Some platforms choose not to show any information at all about application functionality. That approach prevents users from easily understanding and discussing application capabilities. While it is not possible for all users to always make fully informed decisions, the Android permissions model makes information about applications easily accessible to a wide range of users. For example, unexpected permissions requests can prompt more sophisticated users to ask critical questions about application functionality and share their concerns in places such as Google Play where they are visible to all users.